The way you look at gluten sensitivity

A lot of departmental stores mushrooming in and around the US have included separate shelves stocking up “Gluten free foods”. Starting from Gluten free cookies up until gluten free vodka the fad for consuming these foods is spreading far and wide. The Gluten free food business has grown up by a whopping 10% this year against last year’s estimates. It has already crossed 10 billion US dollars. The contrasting figure for patients actually diagnosed with Wheat Allergy (WA) or Celiac Disorder (CD) in US is under 1%. More and more non afflicted wheat allergy consumers are actually getting themselves accustomed to gluten free food.

The gluten intolerance is characterized by abdominal bloating, diarrhea and stomach pain. These disorders can individually affect a person even if he doesn’t have gluten sensitivity or intolerance to this form of protein. How are you sure that you have WA i.e. Wheat Allergy? The same is the case with lactose intolerance where consumers develop severe skin rashes on consuming milk and dairy products. The underlying concept here is to be well understood. It is the psychological stress you are undergoing or something to do with the mind than the food product’s intolerance alone.

food-allergy-optionsExtra intestinal symptoms such as headaches, depressions and skin rashes approve you of being diagnosed with wheat allergy after you confirm substantial improvement in your health condition on sticking on to gluten free diets. I.E. After you have stopped eating rye, barley, oats and gluten enriched food.

Is gluten sensitivity squarely to be blamed for the odd set of symptoms experienced by the body?

Many patients with gluten sensitivity have forbidden gluten enriched foods for days together before they have paid a visit to the doctor to check on the medical condition. This may delay diagnoses of other conditions, as specific tests may not be as useful unless challenged with the culprit food product.

Separating wheat from the chaff

Before a diagnosis is conducted on the underlying medical condition, don’t get carried away by gluten free advertisement hoardings. The food industry is in fact profiting by exploiting individuals stating so and so conditions are related to WA or CD. Unless proper research is published on the topic, the uncertainty concerning gluten sensitivity remains.

homeopathyHealth care centers give you with a wheat allergy homeopathic treatment as it is considered the most holistic approach. You need to get yourself thoroughly checked with a leading doctor who advocates in this approach. He prescribes the medicines you need to take and suggests life-style changes after the exact medical condition is analyzed. And a suitable course of treatment is offered to patients.

Homeopathy first prevents frequent incidences of bloating stomach and abdominal pain with the use of eco-friendly medicines. These need to be taken for a period of 2 to 5 years depending on the level of severity. The immune system is altered and the bitterness towards gluten is removed. It is then small fragments of bread and wheat products are given to the patient.

Finally the patient is completely cured of the dis order and the intestines accept the protein as a normal form of edible food.

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