The way you look at gluten sensitivity

A lot of departmental stores mushrooming in and around the US have included separate shelves stocking up “Gluten free foods”. Starting from Gluten free cookies up until gluten free vodka the fad for consuming these foods is spreading far and wide. The Gluten free food business has grown up by a whopping 10% this year against last year’s estimates. It has already crossed 10 billion US dollars. The contrasting figure for patients actually diagnosed with Wheat Allergy (WA) or Celiac Disorder (CD) in US is under 1%. More and more non afflicted wheat allergy consumers are actually getting themselves accustomed to gluten free food.

The gluten intolerance is characterized by abdominal bloating, diarrhea and stomach pain. These disorders can individually affect a person even if he doesn’t have gluten sensitivity or intolerance to this form of protein. How are you sure that you have WA i.e. Wheat Allergy? The same is the case with lactose intolerance where consumers develop severe skin rashes on consuming milk and dairy products. The underlying concept here is to be well understood. It is the psychological stress you are undergoing or something to do with the mind than the food product’s intolerance alone.

food-allergy-optionsExtra intestinal symptoms such as headaches, depressions and skin rashes approve you of being diagnosed with wheat allergy after you confirm substantial improvement in your health condition on sticking on to gluten free diets. I.E. After you have stopped eating rye, barley, oats and gluten enriched food.

Is gluten sensitivity squarely to be blamed for the odd set of symptoms experienced by the body?

Many patients with gluten sensitivity have forbidden gluten enriched foods for days together before they have paid a visit to the doctor to check on the medical condition. This may delay diagnoses of other conditions, as specific tests may not be as useful unless challenged with the culprit food product.

Separating wheat from the chaff

Before a diagnosis is conducted on the underlying medical condition, don’t get carried away by gluten free advertisement hoardings. The food industry is in fact profiting by exploiting individuals stating so and so conditions are related to WA or CD. Unless proper research is published on the topic, the uncertainty concerning gluten sensitivity remains.

homeopathyHealth care centers give you with a wheat allergy homeopathic treatment as it is considered the most holistic approach. You need to get yourself thoroughly checked with a leading doctor who advocates in this approach. He prescribes the medicines you need to take and suggests life-style changes after the exact medical condition is analyzed. And a suitable course of treatment is offered to patients.

Homeopathy first prevents frequent incidences of bloating stomach and abdominal pain with the use of eco-friendly medicines. These need to be taken for a period of 2 to 5 years depending on the level of severity. The immune system is altered and the bitterness towards gluten is removed. It is then small fragments of bread and wheat products are given to the patient.

Finally the patient is completely cured of the dis order and the intestines accept the protein as a normal form of edible food.

Advocating Homeopathy for wheat allergy as an effective form of treatment

Wheat allergy over view

It is a type of food allergy characterized by intolerance to wheat and wheat products. In case the patient is diagnosed with this form of allergy, he/she can show allergic reactions to rye, barley and to a lesser extent to oats as well.

Patients with the underlying medical adversary have an abnormal immunity which acts against one of the proteins present in wheat leading to the allergic reaction. In absolute level of severity, wheat allergens can cause respiratory disorders like wheezing or bronchitis when exposed to wheat dust or wheat pollen. And you might develop extreme rashes when you come in contact with any wheat made food or product. It more likely affects children while adults can also sometimes be diagnosed with the dis order.

woman_stomach_acheAs far as wheat allergy is concerned, the immune system reacts adversely with one of these proteins predominantly found in wheat. These are as follows:

a)      Albumin

b)      Globulin

c)      Gliadin and

d)     Glutenin (This is in other words known as Gluten)

Allergy to Albumin and Globulin is the most common among patients with wheat allergy.

Common causes of wheat allergy

Wheat allergy happens because the body immune system adversely reacts with an allergen, in this case a food protein. The antibodies present in our body identify the protein and releases a chemical mediator named Histamine upon contact with these proteins.

These mediators act with organs namely skin, throat, airways and intestine producing symptoms. That is why you get so many ailments connected

with this form of allergy.

The common symptoms associated with wheat allergy are as follows

  • Belly cramps
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Mouth irritation including swelling
  • Watery or itchy eyes
  • Bloated stomach and
  • Chest pain


Stages of treatment in Homeopathy

Homeopathy for wheat allergy is the best form of treatment which you can advocate to prevent the disorder for life without any side-effects. The stages involved through the holistic method are as follows:

a)      Relieving the symptoms

b)      Preventing exacerbations i.e. re-occurrence of an attack and

c)      Controlling and curing the body’s altered immune system.

The first and fundamental step in homeopathy is getting your body relieved from symptoms like nausea, vomiting, bloated stomach, chest pain and other dis-orders associated with the allergy.

Preventing exacerbations

Homeopathy slowly yet gradually helps you come out of the allergy. It prevents attacks and increases the lapse between recurring episodes before finally curing you of the disease.

How the altered immune system cured by Homeopathy?

The medicines advocated by the treatment offer permanent cure to wheat allergy. The main underlying cause of the allergy is first diagnosed whether it happens prone to dust, skin or food contamination.

The individual’s immune response against the gluten protein is first curtailed. Then the hypersensitivity against triggering stimuli is thereby decreased. Homeopathy follows a step by step method in curing the underlying problem.

Finally the altered immune system is completely cured.The development of wheat allergy (allergic conditions) is multifactorial and depends upon interaction between susceptible genes and environmental factors. Thus homoeopathy with its deep acting constitutional remedies offers excellent results.

10_front-600x750The following are the great benefits one can derive from Homeopathy

1)      The medicines prescribed through the holistic method of treatment need not be taken for an entire life time. Once the patient is cured of the same, his immunity is maintained against triggering stimulus even after the medication has been stopped.

2)      All types of allergies (skin, food and dust) show excellent response to homeopathic treatment.

3)      The health care center provides you with diet charts, exercise schedules and guide the patients to lead a modified life style to prevent re-occurrence of the wheat allergy. This ensures better results can be achieved.

This way Homeopathy treatment is in fact the best form of treatment devoid of any side-effects.

Effective Gastritis homeopathic treatment made possible

Gastritis is an erosion of the stomach lining named mucosa. It is caused by inflammation of delicate intestines present in the digestive system. When you are diagnosed with gastritis, you experience severe pain in the upper portion of your abdomen or belly region. This is a common symptom present in most of the patients suffering from this dis order.

Life style bloated up

Today’s youngsters want to enjoy life at the fullest. You pay no heed to your body condition as such. A lot of youngsters smoke cigarettes and drink booze just to prove that they are trend setters to the society. Not many of you realize you are affecting your own health rather than proving others that you are enjoying for a fad value. The inflammation of lungs/stomach and the inner layer of the stomach getting burst is also on account of excessive alcoholic consumption.

What happens when you are diagnosed with gastritis?

The acids, enzymes and mucus are produced by the stomach to facilitate a healthy digestion in the body. However when you are diagnosed with gastritis, the lining of the stomach is severely inflamed. Henceforth enzymes, acids and mucus are produced in much lesser quantities. And food remains undigested in the stomach for a long time. This causes prolonged pain and discomfort in your upper abdomen. This disorder can either be acute or chronic. Gastritis starts off as acute pain and when left untreated the dis-orders becomes chronic. Chronic means you will be plagued with gastritis an entire life time. Chronic gastritis can even lead to stomach cancers in the long run.

ill-woman-in-bedOther causes of gastritis

Other causes leading to stomach inflammation are excessive stress and anxiety, chronic vomiting, intake of drugs like aspirin and others on a prolonged period, bile reflux infections and so on.


Common symptoms for people diagnosed with stomach disorder include

a)      Nausea

b)      Vomiting (green, yellow, partially bloody or completely bloody depending on the severity of the inflammation)

c)      Bloating

d)     Feeling full just after a few bites of food

e)      Acute loss of weight on account of decreased appetite

f)       Chest pain or severe stomach pain

g)      Vomiting huge amount of blood and so on


The patient is put through on stomach biopsy

Upper Gastritis test

The patient swallow barium, a liquid metallic substance which makes the digestive system visible during an X-ray. The X-Ray denotes inflammation of stomach’s lining, ulcers, etc.

Other tests include blood tests as well as stool tests.


Homeopathy advocates an individualistic approach as far as dealing with gastritis is concerned. An in-depth case study is made with each individual to know the cause and effect analysis of the disease. And then the treatment is started off.

The homeopathy medicines penetrate deep from within and helps you get a good relief from symptoms like vomiting, nausea, loss of appetite and weight, chest pain, etc.

The health care center then administers a change of life style in patients and gives suitable dosage of medicines. When you approach a holistic medical professional of Homeopathy, he gives you medicines which are completely free from any form of side effects.

This gives you an insight on gastritis homeopathic treatment in a nutshell.

Homeopathic Asthma treatments providing complete recovery

What is asthma?

Asthma is a condition which is associated with difficulty in breathing. It causes congestion of the chest/lungs leading to shorter breaths. This is the main reason why you find discomfort or difficulty in breathing. Asthma is therefore associated with the following

  1. Shortness of breath
  2. Wheezing
  3. Coughing and
  4. Chest tightness

The main causes attributed to asthma/wheezing

General Reasons

When dust or stimulating allergen particles react adversely with your body’s immune system, then you find difficulty in breathing. The lungs is fully blocked by the dust present in the mucus. Pollen dust emitted by leaves of trees during autumn or winter season can also trigger asthma among patients. Trees shed its leaves during Winter/Autumn. They grow back in spring.

teenager_asthma_girlSpecific reasons

Occupational Hazards

If you are working in a chemical factory which emits toxins and carbon-mon-oxide severity of the same is even fatal. There are bright chances of you developing severe asthma in such an atmosphere. Also if more cockroaches breed in your locality you are likely to develop this breathing disorder. Lungs contract too much that air can’t freely pass in. Thus you get a wheeze sound and the chest is unable to breathe freely. You will experience short breaths. Sometimes it can even leave you gasping for breath.

Caesarian Section births

During to the high bacterial exposure during pregnancy with C-section, it is likely that you develop asthmatic conditions in future. The fetus can also invariably develop the same. Child asthma is prevalent among children below 12 years. The usual asthma in adults occur below 35 years of age. Beyond which the condition worsens if you don’t take a proper treatment to cure the same.

Allopathic treatments

The English medicines or the so called Allopathic treatments operate on your body just at the surface and not beneath. The medicines temporarily suppress the effect of the disorder and give you a momentary relief. But you continue to take medicines life-long as and when the trouble arises. Allopathic treatments do not provide you with a permanent cure.

Homeopathic treatment

Homeopathy allows an individualistic approach towards treating patients diagnosed with Asthma. Homeopathy first aggravates the existing trouble. And the medicines work into the cells from deep within. And finally you get rid of the trouble once and for all. You pretty much get a permanent relief from asthma.

Bottle-and-pillsWhat do homeopathic medicines do?

These medicines act on the body from deep within. They help in decreasing the hyper-sensitivity of immune cells, curtailing individual’s immune response against allergens thus decreasing their hypersensitivity towards triggering stimuli. Stimuli agents are those which trigger asthma or wheezing attacks. The allergic conditions depend upon interaction between susceptible genes and environmental factors. Thus homoeopathy with its deep acting constitutional remedies offers excellent results.

Homeopathy medicines need not be taken for an entire life time. Once the body is completely recovered from Asthmatic trouble you no longer need to take these curative pills. The patient develops immunity against triggering stimulus even after the medication has been stopped.

This outlines the scope of Homeopathic Asthma treatments.