Homeopathy – A healthy choice for managing and curing asthma

People across the globe have been rapidly influenced by homeopathy and its benefits. This is because, unlike other forms of medication, it uses organic plants and elements to carry out the treatment and completely weeds out the problems that persist in the individuals, making them stable and healthy for a long time. However, with air contamination quickly expanding, especially in the modern and urban centers, there has been indeed a report of increase in asthma occurrence along with other respiratory ailments. According to studies conducted on this disease, it has been noticed that more than 300 million people all over the world are affected by asthma and require immediate treatment. Moreover, the experts predict that with rise in pollution and global warming, the infected population is expected to increase to about 100 million by the year 2025, which means, it has become important for every individual to safeguard his health and that of his family, so that they can be free from this kind of disease.


Asthma characteristics

The characteristics of this disease are exorbitant reactivity of respiratory framework to mixture of external boosts thereby bringing about tightening and narrowing alongside expanded emissions. Such progressions are known to bring about accompanying normal indications like:

  • Cough
  • Breathlessness
  • wheezing

There could be introductory narrow feeling present in midsection before onset of indication. Basic allergens, which incite asthma assault, tend to incorporate moulds, dust, climate change, chemicals in air, pet creatures, stress, tobacco smoke, etc.

Asthma cure by homeopathy

Asthma treatment generally tends to include using of steroids, nebulising operators (inhaler, injectable or in oral form) bronchodilators for assuaging narrowing and choking. Such treatments do help to accomplish a specific control level over manifestations. However, no customary treatment is there for asthma for lessening unreasonable affectability or activity of aviation routes. Irrespective of the fact that billions of dollars being spent on asthma research across the globe, it is still considered to be the toughest of all tests for medicinal society.


Homeopathy is quite effective to treat asthma and helps to decrease the affected reaction and this is done by changing the resistant framework of the patient. Moreover, asthma treatment through homeopathy does help to treat the patient and keep a tab on them. Also, it assists in directing safe arrangement of patient rather than smothering it. It further incorporates nitty gritty investigation in regards to the case history of the patient having specific end objective of trying to figure the distinction of the patient, which recognizes the person from the others. With the novel picture of the patient being painted appropriately, the cure can be found which almost matches the necessity.

Asthma treatment having such cure continuously achieves checked change in the side effects of the patient, thereby giving him an introductory assistance. It further helps to change the insusceptible reaction of the patient and diminish reactivity or oversensitivity over a time period. Accordingly, treatment in homeopathy does achieve quick, delicate, cure in the patient, decreasing it with time.

Homeopathic Asthma treatments providing complete recovery

What is asthma?

Asthma is a condition which is associated with difficulty in breathing. It causes congestion of the chest/lungs leading to shorter breaths. This is the main reason why you find discomfort or difficulty in breathing. Asthma is therefore associated with the following

  1. Shortness of breath
  2. Wheezing
  3. Coughing and
  4. Chest tightness

The main causes attributed to asthma/wheezing

General Reasons

When dust or stimulating allergen particles react adversely with your body’s immune system, then you find difficulty in breathing. The lungs is fully blocked by the dust present in the mucus. Pollen dust emitted by leaves of trees during autumn or winter season can also trigger asthma among patients. Trees shed its leaves during Winter/Autumn. They grow back in spring.

teenager_asthma_girlSpecific reasons

Occupational Hazards

If you are working in a chemical factory which emits toxins and carbon-mon-oxide severity of the same is even fatal. There are bright chances of you developing severe asthma in such an atmosphere. Also if more cockroaches breed in your locality you are likely to develop this breathing disorder. Lungs contract too much that air can’t freely pass in. Thus you get a wheeze sound and the chest is unable to breathe freely. You will experience short breaths. Sometimes it can even leave you gasping for breath.

Caesarian Section births

During to the high bacterial exposure during pregnancy with C-section, it is likely that you develop asthmatic conditions in future. The fetus can also invariably develop the same. Child asthma is prevalent among children below 12 years. The usual asthma in adults occur below 35 years of age. Beyond which the condition worsens if you don’t take a proper treatment to cure the same.

Allopathic treatments

The English medicines or the so called Allopathic treatments operate on your body just at the surface and not beneath. The medicines temporarily suppress the effect of the disorder and give you a momentary relief. But you continue to take medicines life-long as and when the trouble arises. Allopathic treatments do not provide you with a permanent cure.

Homeopathic treatment

Homeopathy allows an individualistic approach towards treating patients diagnosed with Asthma. Homeopathy first aggravates the existing trouble. And the medicines work into the cells from deep within. And finally you get rid of the trouble once and for all. You pretty much get a permanent relief from asthma.

Bottle-and-pillsWhat do homeopathic medicines do?

These medicines act on the body from deep within. They help in decreasing the hyper-sensitivity of immune cells, curtailing individual’s immune response against allergens thus decreasing their hypersensitivity towards triggering stimuli. Stimuli agents are those which trigger asthma or wheezing attacks. The allergic conditions depend upon interaction between susceptible genes and environmental factors. Thus homoeopathy with its deep acting constitutional remedies offers excellent results.

Homeopathy medicines need not be taken for an entire life time. Once the body is completely recovered from Asthmatic trouble you no longer need to take these curative pills. The patient develops immunity against triggering stimulus even after the medication has been stopped.

This outlines the scope of Homeopathic Asthma treatments.