Homeopathy as a sure shot treatment for Atopic dermatitis


There are different types of diseases a person has to face in this dynamic world. Medical science has developed much, but there are still many diseases for which research is on. There are many diseases for which one or the other branch has got a perfect solution. Being a separate branch of medical science, homeopathy has got its own means and ways for various types of diseases for different diseases. Due to the quality of treatment, it has got immense popularity across the globe in recent years.

The Atopic Dermatitis, which is generally called the Eczema is a situation in which skin shows some kind of special changes, these changes generally appear on the surface. There are various symptoms found in this kind of problem. The most frequent out of all these is the acute eczema.

In this condition, small vesicles or spaces are appearing on the skin. These vesicles contain a fluid that comes out of the skin when the vesicles bust out or are scratched. Apart from this particular problem, the skin is also swollen, which is another symptom of this condition.

Features of this condition:

There are many symptoms, which help to diagnose this problem very easily like:

· Large or small blisters
· Papules
· Weeping and crusting
· Very likely to fissure
· Swelling
· Scaling
· Redness
· More pigmentation

The causes due to which the Atopic Dermatitis occurs are:

· Animal hair
· Detergents
· Molds
· Pollens
· Allergic food
· Dust mites
· Certain kind of fabrics
· Water
· Chemicals in cosmetics
· Emotional stress.


The best and most effective solution for this problem is the homeopathic treatment for Atopic Dermatitis. Many times this problem is diagnosed as one of the skin problems, which is a very huge mistake as a lot of people are suffering from this problem along with other problems like asthma or hay fever. The most excellent solution for this is the homeopathic treatment that makes use of Calendula for the treatment. As per the practitioners of homeopath,y Calendula is the one and only and the best available cure for the problem of itchy or broken skin. This does not only cure the problem, but also heal the skin with deep effect without giving any side effect.

The homeopathic treatment of this problem involves the following medication to treat the problem:

1. Graphites
2. Mezerium
3. Arsenicum
4. Petroleum
5. Nat Mur

Using these remedies can offer a lot of benefits for the skin without creating burns or reacting to it. As the problem of Atopic Dermatitis returns very frequently, it is very essential to see that the condition is eliminated by its root so that it does not pain again. Due to this reason, a lot of people are bending their way towards homeopathy and are getting advantages of the treatment. This type of treatment not only confirms full recovery, but also ensures the safe way of getting rid of the problem.

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