Homeopathy for relief from Alzheimer

The Alzheimer’s disease has become very common in these days. This is a unique problem, which is mainly found in elderly people. This is a type of problem, which involves short gaps in memory. The people do not remember things that occurred in a short time. This problem often takes the person with dementia. 60% of patients with this problem end up having dementia. This problem is usually found in people who are 85 years or above in age.

Different branches have done much research to control the disease and improve the medical condition of the patient. However, as a separate branch of medical science homeopathy has much better solutions to control the condition and improve the patient suffering from Alzheimer. As it possesses side effect free treatment for Alzheimer, it has proved its metal in the medical science and proved as a side effect free therapy. The homeopathy specialist has to check each patient on a case to case basis.

What is it?
The Alzheimer’s disease is a degenerated disorder, which occurs in the cerebral cortex, and results in progressive dementia.

There are some common causes of this disease, which are as follows:

· This disease generally occurs at very elderly age, but some people get it before getting as old as 65. In these cases, the cause of this problem are the genetic factors, which carry the problem to the person. This is one of the most striking causes of this disease.

· This problem is functional debility, and its main cause is the death of brain cells, which occurs due to deposition of protein plaques.

· In some cases, the environmental agents like some viruses are responsible for this condition. But this thing is not very common, and evidence of this is not solid to prove anything.

Risks faced by the patient:
· The most important and main risk factor of this problem is advancing age. This does not mean that all the elderly people show the symptoms of this problem.

· A person who has a family history of this disease is more likely to have this problem in old age. Many times, the people may suffer from this problem in middle age.

· Excess consumption of intoxicated substances and addiction of alcohol and tobacco can lead the person to this problem.

Treatment of the problem:

Homeopathy for Alzheimer’s disease is the best solution of this problem. The medication in this treatment like many other treatments does not provide total relief from the problem as the cells in the brain is already dead, but it can help the patient to recover his memory. The medication in this treatment is decided by diagnosing the rate of progress of the disease. This treatment provides relief from a number of psychiatric problems, which occur due to this disease, such as anxiety, depression, and delusion, disturbed sleep etc. There is a lot of help for the elderly people suffering with this problem in this treatment.

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