Homeopathy – a miracle for children

unnamedChildren are sensitive and purest blessing of the god on mankind. Obviously, it demands gentle, rapid, and permanent cure for their ailments – small or big. Around 10% of children in the world are with Asthma transforming Asthma as the most common serious chronic childhood disease. In asthma, the bronchial tubes get narrowed, and this creates problem to breathe. While house dust may also accelerate asthma attacks if it carries a history of allergy.

Main causes:

It is biologically affecting lungs and breathing tube with a chronic inflammation obstructing airways to intake required air to the lungs. If your baby has asthma, these breathing tubes get irritated and swollen causing to produce more mucus, which narrows body’s breathing tubes and affect baby’s ability to breathe normal way.  He/she may breathe rapidly, cough, wheeze, or whistle as his breath is forced through the narrowed breathing tubes. If baby is exposed to allergens, like pollens, or animal dander, it can aggravate or worsen the symptoms. Others are viral infections, cold air, and other air pollutants. Some children may have an attack after countering into contact with an allergen or with cigarette smoke. If the child often coughs and wheezes after running or playing etc, he may have exercise-induced asthma. In the hindsight, all this forces one to undertake their normal activities like walking or joking on a large scale.

Symptoms and remedies:

During an asthmatic attack, the child may breathe rapidly, cough, wheeze, or whistle and the skin around his ribs suck in with each breath. A viral respiratory infection can also create wheezing or wheezing-like sounds.  Serious symptoms of attack need immediate medical attention. Children who were exposed just before or after birth to tobacco smoke are also more prone to asthma affect. Some of the medicines involved in the homeopathic treatment for Asthma in children are as follows, but highly advised to consult homeopath before taking any:

  • Sambucus nigra is helpful particularly in childhood asthma. The Sambucus nigra is prepared from a tincture of the flowers and leaves. The patient, who might benefit from Sambucus nigra, generally gets up in the night with a frightening sensation of suffocation causing severe spasms of the respiratory airways.  The asthmatic attack may be associated with marked perspiration, especially on waking.


  • Factually, Natrum sulphuricum is a very useful remedy for asthma in both adults and children. Medical experts say the asthma may stop at puberty and tentatively reappear from the 30s onwards. Damp weather – cold or warm – leads it worse. It may also be worse before menstruation.


  • Medorrhinum is considered as valuable in the field of childhood asthma treatment especially where eczema and asthma are mingled. Wet weather also makes the asthma worse but it improves being at the seaside.


Medical experts remark that the  common pediatric ailments, which cause keeping  the parents  awake at nights, spending sleepless nights or worrying about  children are:- behavioral disorders, bed-wetting , dentition problems, worm infestations,  and delayed milestones.

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