Wheat Allergy is not limited to children

LM-538x218Development of an abnormal immune system seen in some people towards one or more proteins existing in wheat is commonly called as wheat allergy. Although it is commonly considered a childhood food allergy, it is seen in adults also. And the allergy can be caused due to contact with wheat too.

Signs and Symptoms of Wheat Allergy

Although the words ‘signs’ and ‘symptoms’ are usually used as synonyms, there is a different between the two. A symptom is something a patient feels and reports to a medical practitioner while sign is something detected by the doctor. Most common symptoms are breathing trouble, nasal congestion, mouth and throat irritation, vomiting and watery or itchy eyes. Sometimes, the patient may experience chest pain and severe breathing troubles too. A severe drop in blood pressure is also a symptom.

At the same time, the signs include throat and mouth swelling, bloated stomach, and hives and itchy rashes on the skin.

Cause of Wheat Allergy

Every human being has an immune system to protect the body from foreign bodies and pathogens. Bacteria, virus, and many other toxic substances pose danger to our body and the immune system produces antibodies to fight these substances. Allergy is caused when the immune system mistakes a normal or good substance as a pathogenic one and attacks it. In this case, the immune system produces antibodies to fight one or more proteins contained in the wheat. Albumin, globulin, gluten etc are the common proteins found in wheat, and people may develop allergy towards one or more of these proteins.

The major risk of wheat allergy is that it may end up in obesity or in diabetics. Persons, whose immediate relatives are suffering from this, have more chances for developing wheat allergy. Similarly, toddlers are more prone to it than elders.

Tests to find out wheat allergy

The primary test includes taking a list of foods the patient prefers to eat usually, and then, eliminating those, which are suspected to be allergic. When the patient is being admitted in hospital or under constant supervision, suspected allergic food articles will be administered to find its effects. Blood test is also being done to diagnose wheat allergy.

Treatment Options for Wheat Allergy

The best option is to avoid food articles contain wheat. According to many experts, foods and beverages including beer and cakes are to be avoided at any cost. There are several medicines too for containing the allergic effects immediately. However, these should be consumed under strict medical supervision. Homeopathic wheat allergy treatment is considered safer as there are no side effects for the homeopathic medicines. Besides, wheat allergy is commonly seen in children, and homeopathic medicines will always be liked by children due to sweetness.

There are several good doctors who can help you to recover from wheat allergy. Although, it is not posing any threat to the life directly, it will affect one’s normal living. Hence, it is necessary to contain wheat allergy at any cost. Besides, an early detection and curing will help the patient from experiencing obesity or diabetics.

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