Aplastic anemia Causes and Treatments

Aplastic anemia is a mortal disease where the mortality rate is more than 70%. When affected with this disease, the bone marrow will lose its ability to produce all types of blood cells such as red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. While red blood cells are carrying oxygen to all parts of the body, white blood cells help to fight the diseases and platelets are sticking together to seal any small wounds that happen in any parts of the body. Since these blood cells are performing highly important functions, the reduction in their quantity is highly dangerous to the overall health of the body. Hence, it is being treated as a hematologic emergency.


Major cause of aplastic anemia is the exposure to certain chemicals, drugs, radiations, etc. It can be a hereditary disease too. Certain toxins such as benzene also cause this deadly disease. Exposure to radioactive materials is also a reason for this disease. Marry Curie, whose name is associated with radioactivity has died due to aplastic anemia.

Although this disease is seen mostly in people in their teens and twenties, it is being seen in people of all other age groups also.


In most of the cases, this deadly disease will be mistaken as red cell aplasia. In red cell aplasia, only the count of red blood cells will decrease while in aplastic anemia, all blood cells will decrease in quantity. Bone marrow aspirate and biopsy, chest X-rays, liver tests, viral studies, test for antibody immune competency, etc are the major tests to determine the disease. All these tests should be done by highly qualified people in this area and in a laboratory where they are using modern equipment and technology for the accurate result.


Once the disease is being confirmed, the treatment should start immediately. Experts in caring immune-compromised patients are ideal for treating the disease. A BMT physician should be involved in the treatment if the patient is less than 65 year old. If it is in the early stages, daily medication may be effective. In most critical condition, bone marrow transplant may require. The medication includes antithetical globulin and encyclopaedic.

Although this is a deadly disease, modern medical science has effective treatments for it and can be cured completely if diagnosed at an early stage. Homeopathic aplastic anemia treatments are found to be more effective in many cases. Homeopathy is mainly treating the cause of the disease, and hence, it is finding to be more effective. Besides, it is cheaper also when compared to the treatments in other medical sciences.

There are many expert homeopathy doctors who are experts in treating this disease even when it is severe and the results are quite promising. The developments in this branch of medical science have brought out many new medicines also to fight aplastic anemia more effectively. Now, this is no more a disease to be afraid, but should take it seriously and treat on time. However, then patients should follow a strict diet also to enhance the effectiveness of the treatment.

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