How to carry out homeopathic treatment for Chronic Renal Failure?

29_2_2012_18_32_9190_chronic_renal_failure_2Kidney is a bean shaped paired organ that lie in either side of spine. Its capacity is to purify 200 liters of blood every day and produce 2 liters of urine. It regulates different minerals, vitamins, food, drugs and sugar level in the blood. All the functional components are absorbed by the kidney and toxic by-products are filtered out through urine. Improper functioning of kidney leads to many problem one among them is chronic renal failure.

You might be thinking that what is chronic renal failure?

Chronic renal failure (CRF) is also known as chronic kidney disease (CKD). This occurs when kidney loss its ability to filter out waste toxic products, urine and electrolytes from body. It occurs when kidney stops functioning permanently over a period of time. Patients with high blood pressure, diabetes and CRF family history are more prone for this disease.

Diagnosis- It is diagnosed through level of creatinine in blood. Higher level of creatinine is a sign of lower glomerular filtration rate which in turn results improper functioning of kidney.

Symptoms of Chronic renal failure are:-

-Frequent urination

-Loss of appetite, vomiting, lethargy, fatigue

-High blood pressure

-Weakness due to anemia

-Swelling and numbness in leg

-Problem in breathing due to water accumulation in lungs

Cure – Yes, there are many medical approaches for this treatment but the most reliable one is Homeopathic. There is no such disease in this world that can’t be cured through homeopathic treatment. Although chronic renal failure seems to be a dangerous disease but this has also been cured through homeopathic medicines. So, always be optimistic.

image_previewWondering! How homeopathy can cure such a mufti factor and fatal disease? Don’t worry medical science is very advanced now a day, here you can see that how homeopathic treatment for chronic renal failure is done-

-Homeopathic treatment always follows theory of individualism, which tells that every individual is different psychologically, pathologically and physically from one another. So, homeopaths first prefer to do the case study of the patient.

-This helps homeopaths to diagnose the risk factor and then he chooses the best suited treatment.

-Every patient responds differently to medicines so they should be under observation of experienced homeopaths.

Here are some major homeopathic medicines for chronic renal failure –

Terebinth –This is one of the most commonly used and effective remedy for renal failure. It is prescribed in the initial stage of renal failure and back pain. Dark smoky urine is released.

Aconite-This is medicine is prescribed during initialstage of renal failure, pain in side and very less urine without blood.

Apis Mellifica –Apis is given in the case of frequent urination with albumen and blood, pain in kidney and suffocation.

Arsenicum –Arsenicum is given when there is pale skin, diarrhea, thirst and urine with albumen.

Belladonna –Belladonna is a midway between Aconite and Arsenicum. This is given in the situation of inflammation in kidney and burning pain in the lumbar region which is caused after every short duration.

Convallaria – It gives relief when there is renal failure along with heart disorder.

Thus, by the help of these medicines homeopathic improves the kidney functioning and also controls further increase of creatinine level in blood.

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