End stage homeopathic treatment for CRF

CRF or Chronic renal failure is the progressive decline of renal function over a period of time. It is diagnosed by the high level of creatinine in blood and lower glomerular filtration rate. Consequently, kidney losses its capacity to filter out toxic fluid and waste material from the blood.

Breakdown of the kidney function results in the accumulation of nitrogenous wastes like urea, ammonia, nitrogen and creatinine in the blood. This disturbs the body fluid metabolism and at the same time affects other organs of the body.

546272-926-48Let’s have a look on symptoms of CRF–

  • Weight and Appetite loss
  • Frequent urination
  • Fatigue
  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Swelling in feet and hands

CRF is classified into 5 stages on the basis of the glomerular filtration rate –

Stage 1 (Initial) – Normal GFR (> 90 mL/min/1.732 m2) plus any renal disorder

Stage 2 – GFR 60 to 89 mL/min/1.732 m2

Stage 3 – GFR 30 to 59 mL/min/1.732 m2

Stage 4 – GFR 15 to 29 mL/min/1.732 m2

Stage 5 (End Stage) – GFR<15 mL/min/1.732 m2

Figures shows decrease in GFR volume with the increase in stages thus, stage 5 the end stage is a green signal for modern approach of dialysis and kidney transplant. It is not a cogent approach, dialysis and kidney transplant is often proved as a temporary approach, which at last results into complete chronic renal failure. If you are searching for a permanent approach homeopathic treatment is the best option you can opt for.

Homeopathic treatment for CRF

Individualized homeopathic treatment is boon for CRF or end stage patients. It is based on person’s family history, psychological status and medical records.

Are you wondering, that how homeopath treatment can cure this chronic disease? Homeopathic treatment develops your immune system and stops improper functioning of kidney. After continuous homeopathic treatment creatinine level is lowered up to 50%, thus increasing GFR and minimizes CRF up to great extent.

Advantage of Homeopathic treatment in End stage renal failure-

  • Homeopathic medicines reduce the frequency of dialysis over a period of time
  • It reduces the complications of dialysis
  • It can revitalize the damaged kidney through stimulated immune system
  • It controls the sugar and blood pressure level
  • It minimizes the risk of relapse of the disease
  • Kidney starts improving as the medicine is taken and eventually creatinine level zulumike_homeopathy_sulphuralso gets normal.

Few medicines which are highly effective in end stage renal failure are

Mercurius Corrosivus – This is highly recommended in later stages and in nephronic disorder. It is prescribed when there is albuminous, scanty and red urine.

Plumbum – It seizes the progress of creatinine in the blood and repairs the degenerated kidney. Symptoms for this medicine are uraemic convulsions, dropsy and sallow face.

Phosphorus – Phosphorus is used when there is fatigue in the morning and heat in the body without thirst. It is prescribed in the high nephritis disorder.

Apis Mellifica – Apis is given in the case of frequent urination with albumen and blood, pain in kidney and suffocation.

Arnica – Arnica helps in reducing complications of the dialysis and gives instant relief to the patients.

Henceforth, Homeopathic is very effective in curing end stage renal failure without causing any side effect.

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