Advocating Homeopathy for wheat allergy as an effective form of treatment

Wheat allergy over view

It is a type of food allergy characterized by intolerance to wheat and wheat products. In case the patient is diagnosed with this form of allergy, he/she can show allergic reactions to rye, barley and to a lesser extent to oats as well.

Patients with the underlying medical adversary have an abnormal immunity which acts against one of the proteins present in wheat leading to the allergic reaction. In absolute level of severity, wheat allergens can cause respiratory disorders like wheezing or bronchitis when exposed to wheat dust or wheat pollen. And you might develop extreme rashes when you come in contact with any wheat made food or product. It more likely affects children while adults can also sometimes be diagnosed with the dis order.

woman_stomach_acheAs far as wheat allergy is concerned, the immune system reacts adversely with one of these proteins predominantly found in wheat. These are as follows:

a)      Albumin

b)      Globulin

c)      Gliadin and

d)     Glutenin (This is in other words known as Gluten)

Allergy to Albumin and Globulin is the most common among patients with wheat allergy.

Common causes of wheat allergy

Wheat allergy happens because the body immune system adversely reacts with an allergen, in this case a food protein. The antibodies present in our body identify the protein and releases a chemical mediator named Histamine upon contact with these proteins.

These mediators act with organs namely skin, throat, airways and intestine producing symptoms. That is why you get so many ailments connected

with this form of allergy.

The common symptoms associated with wheat allergy are as follows

  • Belly cramps
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Mouth irritation including swelling
  • Watery or itchy eyes
  • Bloated stomach and
  • Chest pain


Stages of treatment in Homeopathy

Homeopathy for wheat allergy is the best form of treatment which you can advocate to prevent the disorder for life without any side-effects. The stages involved through the holistic method are as follows:

a)      Relieving the symptoms

b)      Preventing exacerbations i.e. re-occurrence of an attack and

c)      Controlling and curing the body’s altered immune system.

The first and fundamental step in homeopathy is getting your body relieved from symptoms like nausea, vomiting, bloated stomach, chest pain and other dis-orders associated with the allergy.

Preventing exacerbations

Homeopathy slowly yet gradually helps you come out of the allergy. It prevents attacks and increases the lapse between recurring episodes before finally curing you of the disease.

How the altered immune system cured by Homeopathy?

The medicines advocated by the treatment offer permanent cure to wheat allergy. The main underlying cause of the allergy is first diagnosed whether it happens prone to dust, skin or food contamination.

The individual’s immune response against the gluten protein is first curtailed. Then the hypersensitivity against triggering stimuli is thereby decreased. Homeopathy follows a step by step method in curing the underlying problem.

Finally the altered immune system is completely cured.The development of wheat allergy (allergic conditions) is multifactorial and depends upon interaction between susceptible genes and environmental factors. Thus homoeopathy with its deep acting constitutional remedies offers excellent results.

10_front-600x750The following are the great benefits one can derive from Homeopathy

1)      The medicines prescribed through the holistic method of treatment need not be taken for an entire life time. Once the patient is cured of the same, his immunity is maintained against triggering stimulus even after the medication has been stopped.

2)      All types of allergies (skin, food and dust) show excellent response to homeopathic treatment.

3)      The health care center provides you with diet charts, exercise schedules and guide the patients to lead a modified life style to prevent re-occurrence of the wheat allergy. This ensures better results can be achieved.

This way Homeopathy treatment is in fact the best form of treatment devoid of any side-effects.

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